While any family member can be toxic, parental toxicity is the most prevalent and damaging to an individual. Parental toxicity is characterized by a persistent pattern of toxic interactions where the victim is subjected to physical or psychological abuse.
In short, any parental behavior that harms you in any way is toxic behavior.
When parents are toxic, they refuse to give autonomy and independence to the child. All their behaviors revolve around the common theme of non-acceptance. They reject the child’s individuality and identity. Healthy parenting, in contrast, is characterized by openness and acceptance of who the child is or wishes to be.
Taking the toxic parents test
Families differ in their levels of parental toxicity. Sometimes, one parent is more toxic than the other. In worst-case scenarios, both parents are highly toxic. This quiz is based on the patterns that are repeatedly observed in toxic families.
There are a total of 25 items with options ranging from Strongly agree to Strongly disagree. Answer each item honestly and how it applies to both your parents. This is a combined parental toxicity test which means you need to think of both your parents when doing the test. If an item applies only to one of your parents, answer it accordingly, irrespective of the other parent.
This test is not meant for children but for those who’re teenagers or have crossed their teenage years. Your answers are not recorded in our database, nor shared with anyone.