Quick personality test (Big 5)

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The Big 5 model of personality test is one of the most accurate psychometric personality tests in all of psychology. As you may already know, there are a ton of personality tests out there.

I’m not a fan of those ‘Which planet are you?’ type of quizzes that are widely popular on social media. I dislike them so much that I even wrote an article against them and other not-so-accurate tests. I like my personality tests accurate.

Over the past few decades, psychologists have come up with very robust personality tests. The culmination of this extensive research is the Big Five Personality Test or Big Five Inventory (BFI).

As the name suggests, the test measures human personality on five big or broad dimensions. These dimensions are Extraversion (often called Extroversion), Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness.

These five personality dimensions are universal and are the products of both nature and nurture. Although these traits can change with experience, studies have found that they tend to remain stable during the course of adulthood.

Note that each dimension on the Big Five Personality Test represents one end of the two extremes of a scale.

Hence, Extraversion represents one end of the Extraversion-Introversion scale. The other scales are Agreeableness vs Antagonism, Conscientiousness vs Lack of direction, Neuroticism vs Emotional stability and Openness vs Closeness to experience. 

psychometric personality test
Most people lie somewhere near the middle of these scales.

Taking the Big 5 psychometric personality test

The test consists of 44 items and for each item, you have to choose an answer on a 5-point scale ranging from ‘Disagree’ to ‘Agree’. Choose the option that best describes you.

Your personal information will not be taken. Also, your results are not stored in our database. The test takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

Big five personality test

1. I am talkative.

2. I tend to find fault with others.

3. I do a thorough job.

4. I am depressed, blue.

5. I am original, come up with new ideas.

6. I am reserved.

7. I am helpful and unselfish with others.

8. I can be somewhat careless.

9. I am relaxed, can handle stress well.

10. I am curious about many different things.

11. I am full of energy.

12. I start quarrels with others.

13. I am a reliable worker.

14. I can be tense.

15. I am ingenious, a deep thinker.

16. I generate a lot of enthusiasm.

17. I have a forgiving nature. 

18. I tend to be disorganized.

19. I worry a lot.

20. I have an active imagination.

21. I tend to be quiet.

22. I tend to be lazy.

23. I am generally trusting.

24. I am emotionally stable, not easily upset.

25. I am inventive.

26. I have an assertive personality.

27. I can be cold and aloof.

28. I persevere until the task is finished.

29. I can be moody.

30. I value artistic, aesthetic experiences.

31. I am sometimes shy, inhibited.

32. I am considerate and kind to almost everyone.

33. I do things efficiently.

34. I remain calm in tense situations.

35. I prefer work that is routine.

36. I am outgoing, sociable.

37. I am sometimes rude to others.

38. I make plans and follow through with them.

39. I get nervous easily.

40. I like to reflect, play with ideas.

41. I have few artistic interests.

42. I like to cooperate with others.

43. I am easily distracted.

44. I am sophisticated in art, music, or literature.


John, O. P., & Srivastava, S. (1999). The Big Five trait taxonomy: History, measurement, and theoretical perspectives. Handbook of personality: Theory and research2(1999), 102-138.