Narcissist checklist: 15 Red flags

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Narcissism, like many other personality traits, exists on a spectrum. Most people have a mix of narcissistic and empathic traits. In some people, however, their narcissistic side overshadows their empathic side.

We call these people narcissists.

If their narcissistic tendencies are so pervasive and severe that they negatively impact their lives, they’re likely to suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).

NPD is characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a glaring lack of empathy.

Narcissism has deep insecurity and low self-esteem at its core, for which the narcissist overcompensates by seeking external validation and devaluing others.

Narcissist checklist

Below is a checklist consisting of the main narcissistic characteristics. You can use it for yourself, or if you have someone else in mind you suspect to be a narcissist. It’s purely for educational purposes and is not meant to be a diagnosis.

Your results are only shown to you and not stored in our database.

Narcissist checklist