
Media mentions of Psychmechanics:

Scholarly citations:

  • Ganci, A. (2016). Unhappy Childhoods. Accept Your Past, Create Your Future. Youcanprint.
  • Myers, J., Kimble, M., & Levinson, J. C. (2023). Guerrilla Marketing Volume 3: Advertising and Marketing Definitions, Ideas, Tactics, Examples, and Campaigns to Inspire Your Business Success. Morgan James Publishing.
  • Oshio, A. (2018). Who shake their legs and bite their nails? Self-reported repetitive behaviors and big five personality traits. Psychological Studies63(4), 384-390.
  • Heavilin, B. A., & Hicks, W. K. (2022). Editor’s Column: A Master of Liminal Spaces: The Mind of John Steinbeck. Steinbeck Review19(1), vi-xii.
  • Sy, A. N., Yson, M. L. B., Gavino, N., Leon, M. W. D., Ocampo, J., & Calilung, F. C. (2019). When politics is more than words: a hermeneutic analysis of Freudian psychoanalytic elements among selected Philippine presidential state of the nation addresses (SONA). Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal6(10), 384-402.
  • Chen, G., Peng, J., Zhang, W., Huang, K., Cheng, F., Yuan, H., & Huang, Y. (2021). A Region Group Adaptive Attention Model For Subtle Expression Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.