Irritable Male Syndrome quiz

A quick test to find out if you're a grumpy old man

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Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS), or the ‘grumpy old man’ phenomenon, is when older men are constantly angry and irritable. Also called andropause, it’s the male version of menopause. Men with IMS seem to have a short fuse, always complaining and about to explode. While it’s not an officially recognized condition, insightful books have been written on it.

What causes IMS?

It’s believed that age-related testosterone reduction is largely responsible for IMS symptoms in men. Other risk factors include:

The term was coined by a researcher studying irritable behavior in male rams following testosterone withdrawal after the mating season.2Lincoln, G. A. (2001). The irritable male syndrome. Reproduction, Fertility and Development13(8), 567-576. Whether or not this phenomenon is entirely related to testosterone is debatable because testosterone in men decreases gradually as they age. In contrast, women experience a sharp decline in their hormonal levels after menopause.

About the test

This test consists of 15 items on a Yes/No scale. When taking the test, think about how you’ve been behaving in your recent past, not how you’ve been your entire life. The test is completely anonymous. Your results are only shown to you and not shared with anyone.
