Who is a narcissistic person, and how to identify one?

What is a narcissistic person? How do you identify and deal with narcissists? Narcissism, one of the three dark traits of personality, is a psychological condition in which a person develops an exaggerated sense of self-worth. A narcissist is obsessed with himself and considers himself more superior, important, special, and worthy than those around him. …

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The psychology of people who show off

man showing off

Why do people show off? What drives them to behave in a way that often makes others cringe? This article sheds light on the main reasons behind showing off. We all know people in our social group who like to show off. On the surface, they may seem cool, superior, and admirable because of what …

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Psychology of an arrogant person

arrogant woman at work

Jim was an employee at a sales company who had joined recently. He behaved normally with everyone and no one could ever label him as ‘arrogant’. After two months- to everyone’s surprise- he started behaving in an arrogant manner. He primarily directed his arrogance toward his juniors, whom he used to treat kindly before. What …

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What makes a person stubborn

stubborn person

Have you ever wondered why some people are so stubborn? What causes stubbornness in people? Stubbornness is a personality trait in which a person refuses to change their opinion about something or refuses to change their mind about a decision that they’ve made. Stubborn people have a resolute adherence to their own ideas and opinions. …

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Importance of assertiveness and how to be assertive

This article will introduce the concept of assertiveness and explain why many people are non-assertive by default. Later, we’ll talk about the importance of assertiveness and how to be more assertive. Assertiveness is the skill of expressing how you feel and asking for what you want without being aggressive. It is an ability to defend …

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