Gregory House character analysis (from House MD)

In this article, I’ll do a little character analysis of Gregory House, a character from a popular TV show called House MD. House MD is a TV series about an antisocial, unorthodox doctor who’s a brilliant diagnostician and has masterly people reading skills. The series is very well written and has incredible Mark Twain-esque and …

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How to understand someone’s personality

No two people on the planet have the same set of personality traits, not even identical twins who were apparently brought up in ‘identical’ circumstances or have similar genes. What then makes each of us so unique? Why is it that you have a personality that is distinct from the personality of everyone else? The answer …

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We are all the same yet we are all different

same but different people

Is it true that we are all the same? Or are we all different? People seem to argue on this topic endlessly. Consider the following scenarios: He says he doesn’t want attention. But did you look at his face when he was called up to speak? He clearly loved the attention. We all love attention. …

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Why personality tests don’t work

Personality tests are found almost everywhere on the internet these days but do they really work? While some of them may be a bit credible, others that tell you that your fingernails can tell a lot about you are just plain stupid. People with a decent level of self-understanding rarely go for such tests. Although, sometimes …

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How birth order shapes personality

birth order traits and personality

Birth order is one of the strongest factors that influence the type of personality traits we develop. Birth order means the position that we hold among our siblings in accordance with the time of our birth. You might be, for example, the first-born (eldest child), the second-born (middle child), the last-born (youngest child) or the only child …

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How our past experiences shape our personality

This article will discuss the concept of core beliefs and how our past experiences shape our personality. Our beliefs and needs are the strongest factors that govern our behavior. Ultimately, it all comes down to beliefs because a need is also a belief- a belief that we lack something. When we’re born, our brains aren’t fully developed. …

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Why are some people so selfish?

why are people selfish

Why are some people so selfish? Is selfishness a virtue or a vice? Is it good or is it evil? If you’re ambivalent about selfishness then you’re not alone. Selfishness has baffled philosophers and social scientists- many of whom have endlessly debated whether or not selfishness is a good thing. The main reason why selfishness …

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Understanding the psychology of stinginess

stingy woman

Stinginess is the opposite of generosity. While a generous person gives freely- often finding giving a pleasurable activity, a stingy person withholds and finds giving hard and uncomfortable. Though stinginess is commonly associated with money, it manifests in other areas too. Stingy people find it hard to give or lend money to others. They take …

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Oversensitive people (10 Key traits)

Over-sensitivity is a personality trait in which a person is extremely sensitive to influences from the external environment. An oversensitive person is overly affected by environmental stimuli that would hardly have an impact on others. An oversensitive person basically processes sensory information more deeply than other people. It has been estimated that over-sensitive people comprise …

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What is laziness, and why are people lazy?

what is laziness yawning woman

Laziness is an unwillingness to spend energy. It is an unwillingness to do a task we perceive to be difficult or uncomfortable. This article will attempt to explain what laziness is and try to penetrate the mystery of its origins. You’ve probably heard hundreds of times that people are lazy by nature, and it’s true to quite …

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