Ignoring someone with Histrionic Personality Disorder

histrionic performer

Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) is characterized by a pattern of hyper-emotional and dramatic behaviors aimed at getting attention. People with HPD or histrionics love drama and being the center of everyone’s attention. The word ‘histrionic’ is derived from Latin ‘histrio’, meaning ‘actor’. Histrionics like attention so much that they’re likely to become actors and performers. …

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‘Why am I so quiet?’ 15 Possible reasons

quiet girl

I was part of the core team that organized a fest in our college. We had regular meetings to keep us updated on the progress. During this one meeting, when we were having lunch, the team leader blurted out, “He’s so quiet. He doesn’t speak much”, talking about me. I remember how I felt. It …

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8 Major signs you have no personality

What does it even mean to have no personality?How can a person have no personality? Personality is the sum total of your genetics and life experiences. It includes everything about you- from your looks to your values. Thus, everyone has a personality. There isn’t a single person on earth you can say nothing about. If …

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13 Traits of an emotionally draining person

emotionally draining person

Getting your energy drained by emotionally draining people is one of the worst experiences in life. Aptly called emotional vampires, emotionally draining people exhaust you. You feel you have no energy left after interacting with these tiring people. Because they drain your energy so much, you don’t feel like spending time with them. In contrast, …

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12 Toxic daughter signs to be aware of

toxic daughter

Toxic behavior is any behavior that causes harm to others. Often, a toxic person cannot see their own toxicity because they can’t objectively observe their own behavior. Before accusing someone of being toxic, it’s always a good idea to verify their toxicity from other observers. In this article, I’ll list out the signs of toxic …

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‘Why am I so clingy?’ (9 Big reasons)

clingy girlfriend

When you enter a new relationship, it’s natural to desire to be close to your partner. You’re in the ‘getting to know each other’ phase. The closer you are to each other, the better you get to know each other. Eventually, when both partners are satisfied with each other, things settle down a bit. You …

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23 Characteristics of a know-it-all personality

know it all person

A know-it-all person is someone who thinks they know it all. They have strong opinions on almost everything and believe they’re right all the time. This behavior is annoying to others because a know-it-all is unreceptive to others’ viewpoints. Another reason know-it-all people are annoying, especially to those who do know a lot, is that …

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9 Traits of a selfish man

selfish man

Humans are programmed to be selfish, so they can gain access to resources and ensure their survival. Some are more selfish than others, to the point that they ruin their relationships. They become a nuisance to be with, and everyone tries to avoid them. While women can be selfish, too, it’s primarily men who tend …

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12 Weird things covert narcissists do

covert narcissist thinking

Narcissists are people with an exaggerated sense of self-importance. They’re hungry for praise, attention, and admiration. Narcissistic traits include: Narcissism can be overt or covert (also called vulnerable narcissism). Overt narcissists tend to be extroverts who outwardly express their exaggerated sense of self-importance. They’re loud, attention-seeking, arrogant, dismissive of other people’s needs, and always hungry …

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12 Weird things psychopaths do

psychopathic stare

Psychopathy is a highly debated topic in the field of psychology. There are theories upon theories trying to explain psychopathic behavior. People are fascinated by psychopaths. They like watching movies and reading books, articles, and news items about psychopaths. But who are these psychopaths? More importantly, why are they the way they are? A psychopath …

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