3 Creepy things psychopaths say

creepy psychopath

The following main traits characterize psychopathy: Selfishness and power-hungriness are the predominant traits of psychopaths.1 They do what they want without any regard for the consequences of their actions. Not all psychopaths are violent, but because they don’t feel the pain of others, they’re likely to be.2 You can think of psychopathy as being on …

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Signs an avoidant ex misses you

avoidant texting

An avoidant attachment style person’s survival or self-protection need overpowers their need for love and connection. This makes it seem like they don’t want relationships at all. But they do because they’re humans, after all. It’s just that there’s a more potent opposing force preventing them from meeting their connection needs. They fear opening up …

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7 Clear signs of a narcissistic father

narcissistic father

A narcissist is someone who’s self-centered, lacks empathy, seeks validation, and has fantasies of power and success. We all have narcissistic traits to some extent, but someone with a full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder makes life difficult for themselves and those around them. At the root of narcissism is low self-esteem. A narcissist tries to overcompensate …

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9 Signs of unhealthy attachment to grandchildren

unhealthily attached grandparent

It’s natural for grandparents to want to care for their grandchildren- their genetic relatives. The more they invest in their grandchildren, the more their genes are likely to spread in the subsequent generations. With the economy getting increasingly competitive, parents are working more with little time to devote to raising children. So, it’s not uncommon …

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9 Female covert narcissist traits

female covert narcissist

A narcissist is a person who’s highly selfish, lacks empathy, and believes they’re superior to others. They have delusions of grandeur and an exaggerated sense of self-importance. Since every human being is selfish to some degree, we all have narcissistic traits. In some people, however, narcissistic traits are present to a pathological degree. They have …

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5 Solid signs of a toxic teenager

toxic teens

Toxic behavior is any behavior that harms others physically, mentally, or emotionally. While toxic behavior can be displayed by people of all age groups and genders, teenagers are known to be toxic. Dealing with teenagers is known to be a difficult time for parents. It’s mainly because teenagers go through rapid physical and psychological changes. …

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8 Common things sociopaths say

sociopath talking

Sociopathy or Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) is a mental health condition in which a person harms others for selfish gain. Sociopaths have a win-lose mentality and lack remorse when they hurt others for personal gain. One may have sociopathic traits but not full-blown ASPD. In fact, most people have a mix of selfish (sociopathic) and …

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10 Strong-willed personality traits

strong willed people

Being strong-willed means having a strong will or willpower. Willpower is the power that enables you to do what you want to do. Where does that power come from? It comes from a conviction that what one wants to do is worth it. When you believe your wants, goals, and beliefs are worthy, you’re likely …

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9 Symptoms of BPD in females

enraged bpd woman

In both males and females, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) has the following symptoms: Men and women with BPD symptoms show more similarities than differences. But some important differences do exist. They mostly have to do with the degree to which some of the above symptoms are present in men and women. Most of those differences …

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6 Signs a BPD loves you

borderline personality disorders

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition characterized by the following symptoms: The term originated when psychiatrists noted that some people with schizophrenia were neither neurotic nor psychotic. They were on the borderline. They didn’t experience hallucinations, but still, their reality seemed distorted. Their reality was distorted by how they felt about certain …

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