3 Ways to get into flow while working

This article will introduce the concept of flow state and suggest ways to get into the flow state while you’re working. Ever had that experience where you were so engrossed in a task that nothing else seemed to matter and you lost track of time? And even though to an outsider it appeared that you were …

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How to not care what others think

Is it really possible to not care what others think of you? Many people claim they are free from caring what others think and approval-seeking but are they really? First of all, there’s a very important point that I want to draw your attention to. As a general rule, we only think and talk about …

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The ‘Start from tomorrow’ trap

How many times have you heard someone, or even yourself, say, “I’ll start from tomorrow” or “I’ll start from Monday” or “I’ll start from next month” when there’s some new habit to form or a new project to work on? What is behind this common human tendency? I’m not talking here about procrastination which is a general term …

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Procrastinate more to end procrastination

how to stop procrastinating by procrastinating

In order to learn how to stop procrastinating, you need to procrastinate a lot. I’ll explain this paradox later. First, let’s try to understand procrastination… Procrastination means avoiding or delaying the important tasks that you know you should be doing. It is a common feature of human behavior and we all procrastinate from time to time. …

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How TV influences your mind through hypnosis

Think about it: Will I be exaggerating if I say that a part of your behavior and personality is shaped by the things that you see on the screen? Definitely not! It is naive to think that television is a harmless pastime activity that doesn’t affect your psyche in any way. Every thinking person knows that anything you expose your mind to, affects it. Your …

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Anchoring techniques in psychology

This article will briefly go over the concept of anchoring in psychology and later discuss the anchoring techniques you can use to make use of the phenomenon. When two separate events happen simultaneously enough number of times such that occurring of one event reminds you of the other, the events are said to be anchored …

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Covert hypnosis techniques for mind control

hypnosis clock

A covert hypnosis technique is the one in which a person is hypnotized without their knowledge. It’s usually carried out in a conversation. The idea that someone can control our mind using their speech freaks out many people. They forget that we’ve all been covertly hypnotized in one way or the other. Our entire childhood …

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How to wake up early without an alarm

how to wake up early no alarm

This article will teach you how to wake up early without an alarm. Yes, you heard that right. In order to successfully develop the habit of waking up early, you need to figure out why your mind hasn’t already adopted this useful behavior already. You know consciously that waking up early is important, otherwise, you …

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How to start new habits that actually stick

This article will teach you not only how to create new habits but also- and this is very important- how to make them stick. Many people think that in order to successfully establish and stick to new habits, you need motivation and willpower. That’s true, but only partially. Willpower and motivation can force you to start a …

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How to turn a bad day into a good day

In this article, I’ve tried to explain the factors that determine our current mood by using the analogy of a weighing scale. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll know exactly what you need to do in order to turn a bad day into a good day. The two sides of this scale represent …

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