How to cope with loneliness

lonely guy

Loneliness is an emotional state caused when people perceive themselves to be isolated from other people. Loneliness is painful and the person experiencing loneliness often shows signs of depression. However, loneliness differs from a depressed mood in one important way- loneliness also makes a person feel unsafe. Other effects of loneliness include increased stress, decreased …

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Emotional appeal in advertising: Why it works

emotional appeal in marketing and advertising

Advertisements generally have two kinds of appeal- rational appeal and emotional appeal. Using rational appeal in advertising means giving your target audience a logical reason to buy from you. Using emotional appeal in advertising involves creating an emotional connection between your brand and your target audience. An advertisement- any advertisement- is an offer made by …

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List of leadership styles and definitions

autocratic leadership technique

Leadership styles are the various ways in which leaders in a social setting, such as a business or a political organization, interact with their followers and make decisions. Typically, a leader utilizes a combination of different leadership styles, depending on the situation and the organization’s goals. Imagine you’re an employee who has just joined an …

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How to spot a lie (Ultimate guide)

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to know how to spot a lie and be like walking lie detectors who can never be deceived? The truth is- there’s no magic formula that can help you with detecting a lie every single time. What you can do, however, is increase your chances of detecting a lie. Your …

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Understanding the psychology of weight loss

In this article, we explore the psychology of weight loss, with a focus on why some people lose the motivation to lose weight and what motivates others to carry on. Most people know the basics of losing weight- that it’s all a game of energy. In order to lose weight, you have to burn more …

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How to overcome the fear of failure

Many motivational speakers and self-help gurus lambast the fear of failure as if it’s some kind of a curse on humanity. Hardly anyone ever points out why we have this fear in the first place and, dare I say, the potential benefits of having this fear.  I’m strongly against lambasting human emotions because that way you rob …

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Answering multiple choice questions (using psychology)

This article will discuss how to answer multiple choice questions using psychology-related concepts. I have appeared in numerous multiple-choice type tests over the course of my educational career. When you do the same thing over and over you understand new things about it or at least look at it in a different way.  I noticed …

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Ben Franklin effect: Turning enemies into friends

Benjamin Franklin was an 18th-century American statesman, scientist, inventor, musician, and author. You probably got introduced to him at a very young age when you read that nursery rhyme, “Early to bed”. Once, a person lambasted him publicly with a long speech. This angered him but instead of taking some kind of outright revenge, he decided …

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How to achieve long-term goals

If you’ve been struggling to achieve your long-term goals, you’re not alone. Most people are like this because it’s the default way our brains are wired. All it takes to understand how to achieve long-term goals is a simple shift in mindset. With the help of this article, I hope to create that shift in …

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How to stop making silly mistakes in math

This article will focus on why we make silly mistakes in math. Once you understand what’s going on with your mind, you won’t have a hard time figuring out how to avoid silly mistakes in maths. Once, I was solving a math problem while preparing for an exam. Although the concept was clear to me …

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