How to deal with rigid people (7 Effective tips)

rigid person

Rigid people are people with inflexible thoughts and behavior patterns. Being rigid in one’s thinking is the very opposite of being open-minded. Rigid people are resistant to new ideas, ways of being, and ways of behaving. As a result, they learn little and they grow little. They have a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset. …

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How to validate someone (The right way)

how to validate someone

Humans are ultra-social species who crave validation from each other. Social validation is the glue that keeps human relationships together. Put simply, being validated means being acknowledged, and being invalided means being dismissed. Before we can discuss how to validate someone, it’s important to realize that humans seek validation in several areas. Most experts focus …

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How to find your purpose (5 Easy steps)

finding purpose

Countless books have been written on how to find your purpose. It’s among the most asked questions in self-help, therapy, and counseling areas. In this article, we’ll explore what purpose really means and how to find what your purpose is. As many wise people have pointed out, purpose isn’t something out there waiting to be …

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How to stop ruminating (The right way)

man ruminating

To learn how to stop ruminating, we first need to understand what rumination is. Rumination is repetitive thinking accompanied by a low mood. To understand repetitive thinking, we need to understand what thinking is. Mainly, we think to solve problems. Logically, what should happen when we’re unable to solve a problem? We should think it …

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4 Problem-solving strategies in Psychology

problem solving

In Psychology, you get to read about a ton of therapies. It’s mind-boggling how different theorists have looked at human nature differently and have come up with different, often somewhat contradictory, theoretical approaches. Yet, you can’t deny the kernel of truth that’s there in all of them. All therapies, despite being different, have one thing …

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How to get your life together (Step by step)

getting your life together featured

Are you feeling overwhelmed and overburdened?Do you want to reorganize your life? We’ve all been there. I’ve been there countless times myself. If only I had a dollar every time I told my close friends that I wanted to get my life together. In this article, I want to share with you what I’ve learned …

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Assertiveness training: Practical assertiveness guide

assertiveness is like tightrope walking

I’ve covered assertiveness in two previous articles, but I felt like I haven’t given enough attention to assertiveness training. Many people know what assertiveness is, but when it comes to situations that call for assertive behavior, they get stuck and aren’t sure what may or may not work. If you’ve been a reader here, you …

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Why intrapersonal intelligence matters

woman thinking

Why is it that some people can learn from their experiences, change, and become better individuals while others cannot? I’m sure many people you meet are essentially the same person they were a few years ago. They still think the same thoughts, have the same habits, responses, and reactions. But why? It’s probably because they …

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Assertiveness vs aggressiveness

being aggressive vs being assertive

When people are wronged, they commonly react in two ways. Either they react non-assertively and submissively, or they react aggressively and dominantly. Being non-assertive means you’re passive about your situation and don’t seek to remedy it in any way. Your desire to not offend others comes in the way of standing up for yourself. Aggressiveness, …

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5 Steps to overcoming challenges

overcoming challenges mountain

Wouldn’t it be great if we all became better at solving problems and overcoming challenges? Over the years, I’ve gained some insights into problem-solving, although I feel I still have much more to learn. In this article, I’d like to share with you what I’ve learned in over six years of blogging and two years …

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