How to stop being salty

how to stop being salty

Being salty means being bitter towards something or someone. When others make you salty, they ‘leave a bad taste in your mouth’. Of course, they don’t physically put something bitter in your mouth. But it certainly feels that way. Human experiences are fascinating, as always. It’s natural to feel bitter towards someone when they intentionally …

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How to stop being shallow

how to stop being shallow

There seem to be two types of people in the world- shallow and deep. You probably have some idea of who deep people are. Their thoughts, feelings, and words have depth. They have the ability to see beyond the surface. Shallow people are the complete opposite. They lack depth in their thoughts, words, feelings, and …

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How to stop being nosy

how to stop being nosy

Humans are social species hard-wired to care about the business of other humans in their social circles. It’s what made us tick for thousands of years. An unwanted consequence of this tendency is nosiness. I have done a separate piece on what makes people nosy that you might want to check out. Long story short, …

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How to stop being so sensitive

about to break

A highly sensitive person easily senses threats in their social environment. They have a lower threshold of getting offended. Hence, they’re often labeled as thin-skinned and overreactive by others. Both genetic and environmental factors seem to contribute to high sensitivity. Introverts and those who score high on Neuroticism are likely to be highly sensitive. Traumatic …

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How to deal with a sociopath husband

sociopath husband

A sociopathic person is one who has antisocial personality disorder. Sociopaths pursue their self-interest with disregard for others. They have a win-lose mentality. While both men and women can be sociopaths, sociopathy is more common in men. Sociopathy in boys is often detected at a young age (around 8 years). It’s not clear what exactly …

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How to be less neurotic (6 Effective ways)

how to be less neurotic

Neuroticism is a personality trait in the Big Five or OCEAN model of personality. It lies on one end of a spectrum, the opposite end of which is Emotional Stability. Thus, those scoring high on Neuroticism tend to be emotionally unstable. Neurotics experience negative thoughts and emotions frequently and intensely. They have a lower threshold …

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How to move on from an ex (7 Tips)

how to move on from an ex

When we enter relationships, we have certain expectations from our relationship partners. When those expectations are violated, things get sour, and a breakup looms around the corner. A breakup can be a very complicated psychological phenomenon. How you move on from an ex largely depends on how and why the breakup happened. Breakups can occur …

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How to let go of resentment

let go of resentment

Resentment occurs when we believe someone close to us has intentionally harmed us. When we’re wronged, we feel angry in the moment. Anger is an emotion that tells us that our rights have been violated. That is, the other person has incurred significant costs for us. When we suppress our anger in the moment for …

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How to annoy a passive-aggressive person

passive aggressive person

A passive-aggressive person is one who tends to adopt a passive-aggressive communication style. When someone’s rights are stepped on or when their goals are frustrated by others, they can either behave: Both passive-aggression and assertiveness lie in the middle ground between passivity and aggression, the two extremes, but they differ in a key aspect. While …

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How to respond to indifference

how to respond to indifference

Indifference simply means not caring. When someone is indifferent toward you, they’re showing they don’t care about you. Caring for others is an investment in others. Therefore, indifference can be seen as a way to withdraw or decrease investment from someone. In this article, we’ll discuss signs of indifference, what causes indifference, and how to …

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