7 Signs someone is projecting onto you


Projection in psychology means projecting your own mental states and traits onto others- traits that they don’t possess. Just as a movie projector projects moving images from a reel onto a screen, people project what’s going in their minds (reel) onto others (screen). The screen itself is blank. Projection is of two types: A) Positive …

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When every conversation turns into an argument

conversation turns into argument

It’s frustrating when every conversation with your loved one turns into an argument. When you’re done arguing and finally get the time to reflect on what happened, you’re like: “We fight over such minor and silly things!” Arguing once in a while is typical for relationships, but when every conversation turns into an argument- when …

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How to make work go by faster (10 Tips)

woman bored at work

You’ve probably heard the saying, “If you love what you do, you don’t have to work a day in your life”. I’ve been loving what I do for a few years now and can attest to its truth. It’s a weird mental state to be in, frankly. You work a lot, and that work disappears …

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Why do I suck at everything?

man sucking at everything

I know the mental state you’re in right now. It sucks to think you suck at everything. You feel like you’re the opposite of King Midas. Instead of gold, everything you touch turns to crap. Being bad at things isn’t good. It leads to feelings of inferiority, insecurity, low self-esteem, and depression. It negatively impacts …

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How to get over phone anxiety (5 Tips)

man with phone anxiety

Phone anxiety or telephobia is when you want to make or attend a phone call, but fear stops you from doing it. You know that the call is important to you, but you get so nervous that you try to talk yourself out of doing it. People who don’t like talking on the phone usually …

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How to fix a relationship after a huge fight

couple after a big fight

While occasional fights are typical for most relationships, a huge fight can drive a wedge into a relationship. Big relationship fights affect us differently than small fights that get quickly resolved. Huge relationship fights force us to re-evaluate the relationship. We wonder how things got so bad. We probe deeper than ever into what went …

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How to get through to a stonewaller

stonewalling boyfriend

Stonewalling is when one relationship partner ceases all communication with the other partner. The stonewalling partner disengages from their partner, physically and emotionally. The victim of stonewalling may try hard to get through to a stonewaller. But it’s as if the stonewaller has erected a stone wall around themselves that blocks all communication from their …

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My ex moved on immediately. What do I do?

woman stalking ex who moved on immediately

Breakups are hard and what’s harder is seeing that your ex has moved on immediately after the breakup. While you’re still here, grieving over the loss of your relationship, your ex has already started a new relationship. You feel repulsed, disgusted, angry, and hurt. You think: “Did I mean nothing to them?”“Was it all fake?”“Did …

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How to be more mature: 25 Effective ways

immature adult

Have you ever been told any of the following? “Don’t be such a child.”“You’re such a baby.”“What are you, 8?”“Please grow up!” If you’ve been on the receiving end of these phrases often, chances are, you’ve been displaying immature behaviors. No adult likes to be seen as immature. In this article, we’ll break down the …

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How to forget about someone

forgetting someone

The human mind is a forgetting machine. We’ve forgotten most of the things that we’ve ever come across. The mind is always trying to forget stuff because it has to make space for new items. Memory storage takes up resources, so memory needs to be constantly cleaned up and updated.1 Research shows that the conscious …

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