How to make an avoidant love you

making an avoidant love you

Avoidant attachment style is a type of insecure attachment where a person feels insecure in close relationships. An avoidant tries to create distance in their close relationships. Since relationships are all about bonding and closeness, this upsets and frustrates their partner. Avoidants, like all human beings, have a biological need for connection. But their childhood …

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How to talk to someone who turns everything around

turning around

Before you learn how to talk to someone who turns things around, you must thoroughly understand the phenomenon of ‘turning things around’. There are a lot of things going on in this dynamic that need to be well understood. In this article, I’ll break down what happens when someone turns everything around on you and …

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How to manipulate a manipulator (4 Tactics)


To manipulate someone means to make them do something that’s not in their best interests. Manipulations always incur some cost on the manipulated and a benefit to the manipulator. Manipulation is different from influence. You can influence someone to do something that is in their best interests. For instance, a marketing campaign that influences you …

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How to detach from someone you love deeply

As social species, humans are wired to get attached to other humans. We experience strong attachments to our genetic relatives, romantic partners, and friends. What does attachment mean? It means being emotionally attuned to, and invested in, someone. When you’re emotionally attuned to someone, you feel a bond with them. Their emotions affect your emotions. …

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How to get rid of a fetish: 5 Methods

leather and chain fetish

The word ‘fetish’ comes from the Portuguese feitico, meaning ‘spell’, which in turn comes from the Latin facticius, meaning ‘artificial’ or ‘made up’. Someone with a fetish has sexual interests so deviant that they seem artificial or made up. Fetishism is indulging in a fetish, and a fetishist is a person having a fetish. Fetishism …

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How to text an avoidant (Tips for FA & DA)

texting an avoidant

Attachment styles shape the way we connect with others, especially romantic partners. They’re shaped in early childhood and are reinforced throughout life. A person can develop a secure or insecure attachment style based on early childhood interactions with primary caregivers. People with a secure attachment style can form healthy relationships with others and themselves. Those …

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How to stop being controlled in a relationship

stop being controlled

Humans have a fundamental desire to be free and in control of their lives. They want to be able to do what they want with minimal restrictions on their freedom. A relationship tends to steal away some of that freedom because there is interdependence in a relationship. One partner’s choices affect another. Each partner tries …

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8 Signs someone is trying to intimidate you

intimidating father

Human societies are unequal. This is a natural consequence of some people being more valuable to society than others. Like any group, society values members who contribute to the group’s success. You’ll be valuable and of high status, if you contribute greatly to society. If you don’t, your status will be low. What do I …

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Is taking a break in a relationship healthy?

man taking a break

Relationships take a lot of time and energy to maintain. People invest in relationships because the rewards they get from them in terms of happiness and satisfaction are worth it. When people get the rewards they want, they continue the relationship. When they don’t, they end them. However, there’s a middle ground between those two …

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‘Why do I feel like a failure?’ (9 Reasons)

guy feels like a failure

You’ve probably gotten sick of motivational speakers and success coaches constantly saying things like: “Failure is the stepping stone to success!”“Success is failure turned inside out!”“Don’t be afraid to fail!” They keep repeating these messages because they’re telling the truth. Also, because they’re constantly up against a deep-rooted tendency of the human mind- the tendency …

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