How to be consistent: Mindset and habits

man using map

The new year is around the corner. You tell yourself that this next year will be one where you get your life together. You’re hopeful and motivated to make the best of the following year. You’re going to work on your most important goals that have been gathering dust on the shelves of your mind. …

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5 Things a woman needs in a relationship

emotionally supportive man

The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?’ – Sigmund Freud Relationships are based on the mutual fulfillment of needs. When the needs of both partners are more or …

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How to deal with extreme emotional pain

man in extreme emotional pain

Just as we feel physical pain when there’s something wrong with our bodies, we feel emotional pain when there’s something wrong with the non-physical parts of our lives. Pain is a feedback signal telling you that you must pay attention to and solve a problem. Emotional problems, real or perceived, cause emotional pain. Bigger emotional …

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Overstimulated: Meaning, signs & how to cope


Overstimulation, or sensory overload, is when the sensory information you receive from one or more of your senses exceeds the information processing capacity of your brain. Our brains have a limited capacity to process sensory information. Processing sensory information consumes mental energy and bandwidth. The brain does what it can to conserve energy. It’s designed …

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How to deal with an anxious attachment partner

anxiously attached child

If you’re in a relationship with an anxiously attached partner, you’re probably overwhelmed by them. You love them, but at times, you feel confused by their behaviors. Someone with an anxious attachment, also called the Anxious Preoccupied (AP) attachment style, strongly needs love and connection. All humans need love and connection, but for APs, this …

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How to heal anxious attachment: A brief guide

anxiously attached woman

Our interactions with primary caregivers form our attachment styles in early childhood. Our attachment style, or how we attach ourselves to our parents, also tends to be how we attach to our romantic partners. There are four attachment styles: Anxious attachment style or Anxious Preoccupied (AP) attachment style is when a person has high love …

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How to respond to a compliment humbly

compliment response

A compliment is like a greeting. When you greet someone, you acknowledge their existence and expect them to do the same. You communicate that you value them and want them to value you, too. The same reciprocity lies underneath the dynamics of compliments. When someone compliments you, they’re giving you a status boost. They’re raising …

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7 Signs your husband is emotionally cheating

emotional cheating victim

People tend to think cheating only involves being physically intimate with another person. Previously, I’ve talked about how there are different types of intimacy. In a romantic, committed relationship, the levels of intimacy tend to be the highest. When one partner cheats, the intimacy level decreases, causing damage to the relationship. This decrease in intimacy …

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Is Psychology a useless degree?

getting psychology degree

There’s a scene in the movie Circle (highly recommended, by the way) where a woman introduces herself and says she has studied Psychology. One of the guys listening contemptuously and sarcastically says: “Oh, that’s useful.” Being a Psychology enthusiast, that scene disappointed me. I know that’s not how a lot of people think. But many …

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Deprogramming after narcissistic abuse

narcissistic abuse victim

The following traits characterize a narcissistic personality: Not everyone with these traits has a full-blown Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Most people have a mix of narcissistic and empathic traits. In some people, their narcissism overshadows their empathy. They’re the ones likely to hurt others and have NPD. Narcissistic abuse Narcissists are like children who think …

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