How to build self-confidence (4 steps)

Self-confidence simply means having faith in your abilities. It is a belief that you have the required skills to successfully handle a particular situation. If you are sure about your ability to handle a certain life situation, then you will feel confident whenever you encounter that situation. That’s all there is to self-confidence, yet people keep on …

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How to have courage

how to have courage

Courage is the ability to face fears and move through them. A lot of people have the misconception that courageous people are unafraid all the time. The truth is that people with courage are also humans who feel the emotion of fear. The only reason why they are able to build courage is that they …

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How to have an open mind?

reading to be open-minded

People keep talking about the importance of being open-minded but they rarely talk about how to be open-minded. Or why it’s so hard to become more open-minded. Open-mindedness is indeed one of the most important personality traits that one must seek to develop. A closed-minded person can never be truly free for they dwell in …

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Causes of frustration and how to deal with it

dealing with frustration and anger

What causes frustration?Why do people become enraged sometimes? The answer lies in the emotion of frustration. The feelings of frustration are caused when someone or something prevents us from getting or doing what we want. Humans are goal-seeking organisms continually looking for the fulfilment of their needs and goals. It’s common for us to experience …

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4 Realistic ways to deal with negative thoughts

overcoming negative thoughts

To get rid of negative thoughts, you first need to understand why they’re triggered in the first place. Only then can we talk about how to get rid of them appropriately. Emotions arise from thoughts or interpretations that cross our minds whether we’re conscious of them or not. Positive events trigger positive thoughts leading to positive …

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