BPD vs. Bipolar test (20 Items)

bpd vs bipolar

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Bipolar disorder can be very confusing. It’s common to mistake one for the other. This is because, despite being distinct disorders, they have overlapping main symptoms. The common symptoms of BPD and Bipolar disorder are: Despite these similarities, BPD and Bipolar disorder are different in that the former is a …

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BPD test (Long version, 40 Items)

bpd test long

The following symptoms characterize Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): While these are the main symptoms used to diagnose BPD, people with BPD experience the disorder differently. So much so that researchers have come up with different types of BPD. Why the long version? Most BPD tests check for the above symptoms. To get a better and …

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4 Types of BPD (Test)

bpd types

People experience Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) differently. While there are common symptoms that are used to diagnose BPD officially, some people with BPD lean more towards a particular set of symptoms than others. This may be because people have different biological predispositions and temperaments. This has led researchers to categorize BPD into different types based …

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Symptoms of BPD in females (Test)

bpd woman

People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can experience the mental health condition differently. Yet, there’s a considerable overlap of symptoms in men and women. Men and women are more similar in showing symptoms of BPD than they are different. Despite the overlap, some critical differences exist between how men and women experience BPD. If you’re …

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Depersonalization-derealization disorder test

depersonalization derealization

The mind is usually good at handling pain. Pain is your mind and body’s way of alerting you that something’s gone wrong and needs fixing. Sometimes, however, the stress and pain become too much for the mind to handle. For example, the mind may shut down or dissociate when faced with severe trauma. We all …

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Anhedonia test (15 Items)

woman with anhedonia

Anhedonia comes from the Greek an-, meaning ‘not, without’ and hedone, meaning ‘pleasure’. Hence, a person with anhedonia is without pleasure. Specifically, anhedonia is when a person no longer finds previously pleasurable things and activities pleasurable. It is the main symptom of depression and is also present in other mental health conditions like: Anhedonia can …

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Abusive partner test (16 Items)

man having abusive partner

Abuse is a pattern of behavior that causes harm. The harm may be physical, psychological, financial, or legal. Physical, financial, or legal damage is easy to identify. Psychological or emotional abuse often happens under the radar. I’ve previously created an emotional abuse test that you can use to see if you’re being abused in a …

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‘Am I cool?’ Test (25 Items)

cool person

I was recently reading some YouTube comments on a video about two men arguing with a salesperson. The first man was very aggressive in his speech and body language. The second man’s body language was more relaxed. The first man was talking at the salesman while the second one was talking with the salesman. A …

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Hypomania test: Am I hypomanic?


Hypomania (hypo = under; mania = madness) is when a person experiences abnormally high energy levels. The state is less severe than mania, where a person experiences such high energy levels that they engage in reckless and harmful behavior. Mania and hypomania are symptoms of bipolar disorder, but a person can experience hypomania without suffering …

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Addictive personality test: Find your score

woman with addictive personality

Addiction is simply a repetitive bad habit. Bad habits tend to be repetitive because they release dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that makes us want to engage in certain activities more and more. It achieves that by giving us pleasure when we indulge in a bad habit. Dopamine is critical for survival …

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