Trauma bonding test (20 Items)

trauma bonded woman

Trauma bonding happens when there’s a cycle of abuse going on in a relationship. Sometimes the other person is abusive towards you, and at other times, they’re good to you. This creates an intermittent reinforcement pattern that hooks you to the relationship. You know there’s something wrong with the relationship, but you can’t leave because …

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Lost inner child test (10 Items)

in touch with inner child

Having lost your inner child means being disconnected from your childlike qualities, such as: Why do people lose touch with their inner child? Childhood trauma is a big reason. When children aren’t loved and cared for in the way they expect, they suppress their authentic desires and feelings. They’re given the message that they aren’t …

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5 Love languages quiz (Modified version)

giving love language

When I first heard about love languages I was very intrigued. It made so much intuitive sense– this concept that people have different ways of showing and receiving love. “Love language” has now become a household term. While people describe any random thing as their love language these days, the original book on the topic …

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Omnivert vs Ambivert test (8 Items only)

introvert extrovert

Most people know what ‘introvert’ and ‘extrovert’ means. Some know what ambivert means, but very few people have encountered the term ‘omnivert’. Both ‘omnivert’ and ‘ambivert’ have the Latin root vertere in them, which means ‘to turn’; ambi means ‘both’, and omni means ‘all’. So, ambiverts literally turn both ways. They have both introverted and …

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‘Am I emotionally damaged?’ Quiz (20 Items)

emotionally damaged person

When people refer to someone as ‘damaged’, they usually mean ’emotionally damaged’. Emotionally damaged people have experienced a lot of hurt, pain, and trauma that has significantly impacted their lives. Their damage is reflected in how they think, talk, and behave. They may have no physical ailments but suffer from a lack of emotional well-being. …

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Schizoid Personality Disorder test (15 Items)

man with SPD

‘Schizoid’ literally means ‘like Schizophrenia’. People with Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD) have Schizophrenia-like symptoms except for psychotic symptoms like hallucinations. People with SPD have limited emotional expression, are socially withdrawn, and have no interest in forming close relationships. They come across as indifferent and seem okay with being on their own. Even if they, deep …

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‘Am I depressed or lazy?’ Quiz (10 Items)

depressed and lazy person

Depression is a recognized mental health condition. It’s a persistent mood disorder caused by the chronic stress of unresolved, complex, and significant life problems. Following are the major symptoms of depression: Depression is not a choice. It’s a state your mind puts you in after you consistently fail to solve an important life problem. It’s …

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‘Am I the problem in my family?’ Quiz

problematic person in the family

Conflicts are interesting but complex and stressful phenomena. Familial conflicts can be especially stressful because we depend on our families for our essential needs. The stakes are as high as they can be. When a conflict arises between two parties, usually both have a role in causing and escalating it. Other times, families have high-conflict …

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Peter Pan syndrome test (25 Items)

man with peter pan syndrome

Peter Pan is a fictional boy who couldn’t grow up. There are some real-life Peter Pans out there who have grown up but not mentally. They suffer from the Peter Pan syndrome. They refuse to grow up and cling to their childish ways. They avoid doing age-appropriate ‘adult’ activities. While it can be good not …

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C-PTSD Narcissistic abuse test (12 items)

man with c-ptsd

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that develops in some people after they experience a traumatic event. A traumatic event is any life-threatening event.  Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) is a type of PTSD that is caused by ongoing trauma, not a single event. For instance, a person in a relationship with an abuser …

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