RIASEC assessment: Explore your career interests

what job is right for me pic

The Holland Code (RIASEC) assessment test was originally developed by John Holland. It tells you what types of careers are ideal for you based on your interests. When it comes to choosing a career, taking into account your interests can have a significant impact on your job satisfaction levels. Of course, things such as the …

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Emotional intelligence assessment

emotional intelligence assessment

The Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) is an emotional intelligence assessment that measures your general emotional intelligence level. Emotional Intelligence is key to self-understanding and understanding the people in your life. Emotional Intelligence is a broad term that encompasses a set of personal and interpersonal skills. According to Daniel Goleman, author of the widely …

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Identity test: Explore your identity

aspects of identity

The Aspects of Identity Questionnaire (AIQ-IV) tests your scores on various identity orientations that reveal what parts of you are more important to you than the others. The different parts or aspects of your identity are what make you, you. Throughout childhood, adolescence, and teenage years, we’re in this constant process of defining ourselves- constructing …

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Quick personality test (Big 5)

big 5 personality test

The Big 5 model of personality test is one of the most accurate psychometric personality tests in all of psychology. As you may already know, there are a ton of personality tests out there. I’m not a fan of those ‘Which planet are you?’ type of quizzes that are widely popular on social media. I …

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