‘Why don’t I feel like myself?’: 5 Reasons

woman not feeling like herself

I know exactly what it feels like to ‘not feel like yourself’. I’ve been in such situations so many times. You feel out of alignment. You feel something’s off. You can’t quite put a finger on what’s off. You say things like: “I don’t feel like myself lately.”“I don’t feel like myself anymore.” What’s going …

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The psychology of changing your name

parent naming baby

A person’s name and face are their most distinguishing features. Name more so than face. Even identical twins who look the same are given different names to let the world know they’re separate people.  Our names are attached to our identities. They’re a big part of who we are. Unfortunately, people don’t have any control …

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When you just don’t care anymore

not caring anymore card

Why do we stop caring? The answer to that question lies in the understanding of why we care. When we care about something, we give our attention, energy, time, and interest to it. Why? To get something in return.  After all, attention, energy, time, and interest are all precious resources. We don’t want to squander …

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Why do I feel like a burden?

woman feeling like a burden

Humans are social species who have reciprocity baked into their psyche. Most people want to contribute to their society because doing so raises them in the eyes of others, thereby raising their self-esteem. A society in which members contribute to each other survives and thrives, benefitting each member. It increases the cohesiveness of the group. …

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Reasons for feeling like a fraud

Joe was a brilliant actor who had been nominated for the best actor award in an award ceremony. He had worked hard and his movie had done very well. When the announcer announced that he was the winner, Joe felt a cocktail of emotions- he was joyous, inexplicably sad, relieved and excited all at the …

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Self-sabotage behavior explained

self-sabotage behavior

In this article, we discuss self-sabotage behavior, reasons why people engage in this behavior, and common examples of self-sabotaging behaviors. How many times do you hear people telling you, rather sanctimoniously, “Be yourself”? And to complete the famous Oscar Wilde quote, they add, “Everyone else is taken”. Let’s say you decide to heed the advice. …

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What causes identity crisis?

identity crisis pic

This article will throw light on the concept of psychological identity, how it’s related to ego, and the causes of an identity crisis. We have many identities that we acquire from our past experiences and cultural backgrounds. These identities may be broadly classified as positive (the identities we like) and negative (the identities we dislike). …

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Why is identity important?

In this article, we’ll explore why identity is an important concept in psychology. Understanding why identity matters helps explain a lot of psychological phenomena. Our identity is how we see ourselves or how we believe others see us. Our ego or ‘sense of self’ is comprised of our various identities. We typically have many identities …

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10 Ego defence mechanisms in psychology

This post will discuss 10 common ego defence mechanisms that we encounter regularly in our day-to-day lives. Your ego is your sense of self or ‘I’. Technically, your ego is your conscious mind. We all desire to feel worthy and stay psychologically stable. Now when something happens that threatens our well-being or decreases our self-worth, …

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