Why are some people non-conformists?

Most people are conformists who conform to the social norms of their respective societies. After all, man is a social animal, right? Conforming to your social group helps you stay in the good books of your group members. And when you’re in the good books of your group members, they’re likely to help you and …

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Why do people want justice?


To understand why justice is important, we first need to understand the evolution of the tendency in humans to form cooperative coalitions. This is because it’s this phenomenon only that gives rise to contexts in which we seek justice and revenge. So why do we form cooperative coalitions at all?Why do people come together and …

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Why we want others to like what we like

You listen to a new song that you like and make your sibling, partner or best friend hear it, often against their will. You watch a brilliant movie or a TV show and go about recommending it to everyone. You read a chilling novel and swear to your friends that they’d be thrilled if they check …

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Why are people control freaks?

control key

Why are some people overly controlling?What causes someone to be a control freak? This article will explore the psychology of controlling people, how fear makes people controlling, and how the behavior of control freaks might change. But first, I want to introduce you to Angela. Angela’s mother was a total control freak. It seemed like …

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