‘Why do I feel no connection to my family?’

disconnecting with family

We’re hard-wired to seek connection with our closest genetic relatives- our family members. The more family members connect with each other and help each other, the greater the chances of their gene pool surviving and reproducing. In other words, we all have an inbuilt expectation of getting help and support from our closest family members. …

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Why do we miss people? (And how to cope)

why we miss people

Some people come into our lives and go like nothing happened. Some, when they go, leave a deep void in us. They leave behind an emptiness in us. The closer our relationship with someone, the more it hurts when that relationship ends. The more we miss them when they go. But why does it happen? …

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When you just don’t care anymore

not caring anymore card

Why do we stop caring? The answer to that question lies in the understanding of why we care. When we care about something, we give our attention, energy, time, and interest to it. Why? To get something in return.  After all, attention, energy, time, and interest are all precious resources. We don’t want to squander …

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Entitlement Dependence Syndrome (4 Causes)

entitled adult

A person suffering from Entitled Dependence Syndrome depends on others in an exaggerated way. The key phrase here is ‘exaggerated’ because humans, being social species, are by nature dependent on other humans. However, when this dependency crosses a certain threshold, it turns into entitled dependence. Humans tend to form reciprocal relationships with others, meaning their …

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Why do I feel like a burden?

woman feeling like a burden

Humans are social species who have reciprocity baked into their psyche. Most people want to contribute to their society because doing so raises them in the eyes of others, thereby raising their self-esteem. A society in which members contribute to each other survives and thrives, benefitting each member. It increases the cohesiveness of the group. …

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Why do I instinctively dislike someone?

car in pothole

It makes sense to dislike someone when they’ve done something wrong to you. But why would you dislike someone who hasn’t wronged you in any way? You know you have no reason to hate them, but still do. What’s going on? The first thing to know about this phenomenon is that there’s no such thing …

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The psychology of interrupting explained

interrupting nonverbally

At first glance, the psychology behind interrupting seems simple: A speaker is saying something and is cut off by someone else who goes on to express their own thing, leaving the former embittered. But there’s much more to interruptions than that. To begin, let’s talk about what constitutes an interruption. An interruption in conversation occurs …

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If healing is not linear, what is it?

boxer ready to punch

Emotional healing is anything but a linear process. Think of a linear process as a step-by-step process like climbing stairs. Every single step you take moves you closer to your goal of healing in a linear fashion. It’d be great if healing worked that way, but it doesn’t. Instead, healing is more of a ‘two …

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Types and examples of childhood trauma

traumatized child

Children experience trauma when they find themselves in a threatening situation. They’re particularly vulnerable to threats because they’re helpless and haven’t yet developed the ability to cope with frightening events. When children experience less-than-ideal circumstances at home or in society at large, they face Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). However, not all adverse childhood experiences necessarily …

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Why hitting rock bottom can be good for you

man hitting rock bottom

Hitting rock bottom is one of the most unpleasant experiences in life. When you’re at the lowest point in your life, you get bombarded by all sorts of unpleasant emotions- fear, insecurity, doubt, frustration, hopelessness, and depression. Common reasons people hit rock bottom are: Losing a job/business Failing in school/college Going through a breakup/divorce Losing …

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