‘Why am I obsessed with someone I barely know?’

being obsessed with someone

Being obsessed with someone involves devoting a lot of resources to that person. Be it mental, emotional, financial, or temporal resources. You can’t stop thinking about them. You stalk them on the internet and/or in real life. You crave their attention and yearn to talk to them. You keep talking about them to your friends. …

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How to stop scrolling mindlessly and endlessly

person scrolling

Scrolling media is not a recent phenomenon, as many would think. Scrolling behavior appeared when remote controls for TVs were invented. Before that, people had to get up and physically change the TV channel. I remember when my dad used to scroll channels on the TV, constantly pressing the button on his remote control, and …

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6 Signs of being addicted to a person

addicted woman

Addiction can be defined as experiencing a loss of control when doing an activity leading to repetitive engagement in that activity. When you’re addicted to something, you over-invest your resources (time and energy) into it because you can’t help it. We all know that people tend to get addicted to drugs, alcohol, food, shopping, gambling, …

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How to get rid of a fetish: 5 Methods

leather and chain fetish

The word ‘fetish’ comes from the Portuguese feitico, meaning ‘spell’, which in turn comes from the Latin facticius, meaning ‘artificial’ or ‘made up’. Someone with a fetish has sexual interests so deviant that they seem artificial or made up. Fetishism is indulging in a fetish, and a fetishist is a person having a fetish. Fetishism …

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The power of habit and the story of Pepsodent

I recently came across a mind-blowing story about how Pepsodent was launched in the market and how brushing teeth became a worldwide habit. I came across the story in a book titled The Power Of Habit by Charles Duhigg. To those of you who have read the book, this post will serve as a nice little reminder …

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Why are addictions so hard to break?

Why do addicts want higher and higher doses of a drug, even if it’s ruining their lives? Why do people spend endlessly on gambling only even though it saps their financial resources? Why do people who are addicted to junk food even though it’s fattening them up? When it comes to how addiction works, drug addicts …

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The process of addiction (Explained)

This article will discuss the psychological process of addiction with a focus on the primary reasons behind getting addicted. The word addiction comes from ‘ad’, which is a prefix meaning ‘to’, and ‘dictus’, which means ‘to say or tell’. The words ‘dictionary’ and ‘dictation’ are also derived from ‘dictus’. Hence, etymologically, ‘addiction’ means ‘to tell …

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What causes bad habits?

Sheena was an over-eater. One day she finally realized that she was indulging in her bad habit only to lift her mood. This awareness increased her determination to quit and she did. For two weeks, she didn’t eat more than necessary and was happy that she had finally gotten hold of her habit. However, after …

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How to start new habits that actually stick

This article will teach you not only how to create new habits but also- and this is very important- how to make them stick. Many people think that in order to successfully establish and stick to new habits, you need motivation and willpower. That’s true, but only partially. Willpower and motivation can force you to start a …

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3-Step habit formation model (TRR)

The quality of our life is largely determined by the quality of our habits. Therefore, understanding the habit formation model is of prime importance. This article will discuss the mechanics of habit formation. Habits are routine behaviours that we do without much conscious thought. In this article, we’ll be exploring the anatomy of a habit. …

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