Psychology of staring at a woman

man staring at woman

Why do we stare? Humans are, by nature, curious creatures. We like to look at novel things. Anything in our environment that is out of the ordinary is eye-catching. This is why people like going to cinemas and circuses- to see strange and unusual stuff. “Trust me. The movie is one of a kind. You …

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14 Sad body language signs

sad body language

Like every other universal emotion, sadness shows in our body language. People often don’t even have to utter “I’m sad” because they have sadness written all over them. Sadness is easily recognizable in facial expressions and body language. Often, we experience mixed emotions, and this mixedness is reflected in our body language. This can make …

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22 Dominant body language signals

dominant body language

Human beings are sensitive to social hierarchies. They want to know their status in their group and the status of their group members. Therefore, when people interact with others, some questions naturally run in their heads, such as: These questions are important because they tell us how we should approach the other person. If they’re …

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Nervous body language signs (Complete list)

nervous body language

People display nervous body language when they find themselves in threatening social situations. When a person believes they won’t be able to handle a high-stakes, threatening social situation the way they want to, they get nervous and anxious. When you display signs of nervousness and discomfort, you make others uncomfortable as well. People have this …

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7 Signs of attraction based on body language

signs of attraction in body language

Body language signs of attraction are signs that people display, often unconsciously, when they’re in the presence of someone they’re attracted to. Wouldn’t it be nice to know whether someone is interested in you before they even talk to you? Yes, it’s possible thanks to body language. With the power of body language, you can …

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3 Common gesture clusters and what they mean

Isolated gestures are rarely noticed while observing body language. Often, a person will convey his emotional state via more than one gesture and this combination of gestures is known as a gesture cluster. While analyzing body language, it’s imperative that you take into account as many gestures as possible because that will provide a more …

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Positive and negative evaluation gestures

Positive evaluation gestures When we see or hear something positive, or at least perceive it to be as positive, we might do what are known as the positive evaluation gestures. I won’t be discussing the obvious positive evaluation gestures such as smiling, excessive eye contact, clapping, etc. but my focus will be on the lesser-known gestures that you’re likely …

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