Biting lower lip meaning (Body language)

woman biting lips

People bite their lower lips for different reasons. To be clear, this article isn’t about the physical or medical reasons for chronic lip biting. It strictly focuses on the psychological reasons behind lip biting. Specifically, we’ll look at ‘biting your bottom lip’ from the body language perspective. Before you attempt to interpret any body language …

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Hands in pockets body language

hands in pockets

Keeping your hands in your pockets is one of those body language gestures that can have multiple, seemingly contradictory meanings. In body language, the meaning of some gestures is straightforward. You only need to observe one or two gestures to reach a conclusion. In other cases, such as the ‘hands in pockets’ gesture, you need …

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Body language: Hands behind the back

hands behind back woman

To interpret the ‘hands behind the back’ body language gesture, you should first look at its context. This is because it is one of those body language gestures that can have different meanings depending on the context and accompanying gestures. In this article, I’ll cover the possible meanings of this gesture, providing examples and accompanying …

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Why do men cross their legs (Is it weird?)

man with crossed legs

Crossing the legs in body language conveys two meanings: 1. Defensiveness Crossing legs, like crossing arms, is a subconscious attempt to protect one’s vital organs. In crossing one’s arms, one tries to protect the vital organs of the upper body, like the heart and lungs. In crossing legs, one tries to cover the genitals. Our …

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Furrowed eyebrows in body language (10 Meanings)

woman with furrowed brows

To furrow one’s eyebrows means to wrinkle them. Someone with furrowed eyebrows has visible lines on their forehead. The furrowing of eyebrows occurs when eyebrows are lowered, brought together, or raised. When eyebrows are in the neutral position, they don’t cause lines on the forehead. Eyebrow movement in humans is a robust social signaling system. …

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Excessive blinking in body language (5 Reasons)

blinking guy

People blink excessively for a variety of reasons. The biological function of blinking is to lubricate the eyeballs to keep them moist. When our eyes become dry due to irritation, eyestrain, or contact lenses, we blink more. In addition, excessive blinking is caused by some medical conditions and treatments such as: Excessive blinking also has …

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14 Sad body language signs

sad body language

Like every other universal emotion, sadness shows in our body language. People often don’t even have to utter “I’m sad” because they have sadness written all over them. Sadness is easily recognizable in facial expressions and body language. Often, we experience mixed emotions, and this mixedness is reflected in our body language. This can make …

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7 Functions of nonverbal communication


Nonverbal communication includes all aspects of communication minus the words. Whenever you’re not using words, you’re communicating nonverbally. Nonverbal communication is of two types: 1. Vocal Also called paralanguage, the vocal part of nonverbal communication includes the conversational aspects of communication minus the actual words, such as:  Voice pitch Voice tone  Volume Talking speed  Pauses …

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22 Dominant body language signals

dominant body language

Human beings are sensitive to social hierarchies. They want to know their status in their group and the status of their group members. Therefore, when people interact with others, some questions naturally run in their heads, such as: These questions are important because they tell us how we should approach the other person. If they’re …

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Nervous body language signs (Complete list)

nervous body language

People display nervous body language when they find themselves in threatening social situations. When a person believes they won’t be able to handle a high-stakes, threatening social situation the way they want to, they get nervous and anxious. When you display signs of nervousness and discomfort, you make others uncomfortable as well. People have this …

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