Dating with intention: What does it even mean?

dating partner iceberg analogy

What is intentional dating? Intentional or conscious dating means dating with a goal and plan in mind. It’s being strategic about your dating efforts so that you can maximize your relational ROI. It’s about decreasing the odds of investing your time in the wrong people and increasing the odds of doing so in the right …

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Is it normal for my girlfriend to hit me? Yes & No


Physical violence in any shape or form is generally unacceptable and illegal. I say ‘generally’ because, in some situations, it can be okay and even necessary. Self-defense, for example. Intimate partner violence, unfortunately, is common. And both genders are equally guilty. Studies show that men and women initiate physical violence in intimate relationships at equal …

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Does intelligence gap in relationships matter?

intelligent couple

For relationships to work, they need to be equal or slightly unequal. Equal relationships are those where both parties gain equally. Slightly unequal relationships are those where one partner gains slightly more than the other. When a relationship is unequal, it rests on shaky grounds. It is unstable. After all, you can’t do business with …

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Why are relationships so hard? 13 Reasons

hard relationship

Everywhere you look, people seem to be having trouble with their relationships. What’s going on?Why are relationships so full of problems and conflicts?Why are relationships so hard for people? There are challenges in relationships at every stage, from courtship to parenting. For a relationship to thrive, both partners must navigate these challenges successfully. This article …

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Why age gap relationships don’t work

age gap relationship

People usually prefer romantic partners in the same age range as them. It makes sense because we’re more exposed to people in our age range through school, university, and jobs. People similar in age tend to have similar mate values, i.e., how valuable they’re in the dating marketplace. While most people would love to pair …

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Do exes come back? What do the stats say?

ex coming back

Relationships are an enormous time and energy investment. It’s easy to have a crush on someone, but if you want a relationship with them, numerous factors come into play. It becomes an important decision and you have to weigh many factors. When a relationship ends, it’s a huge loss, especially if the relationship was good. …

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Why rebound relationships fail (Or do they?)

rebound friend request

A rebound relationship is a relationship that a person enters into soon after the end of a serious, prior relationship. The word ‘rebound’ conjures up scenes of an object (such as a rubber ball) bouncing off quickly from wall to wall. Similarly, a person who enters a rebound relationship- the rebounder- gives the impression that …

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How to respond to an ultimatum in a relationship

ultimatums in relationships

An ultimatum is a demand for behavioral change accompanied by a threat. Also called Games of Chicken, ultimatums are often “Do this, or else…” type of statements that pressure a person to do something they don’t want to do. In relationships, those who feel their needs aren’t being met issue ultimatums. Issuing an ultimatum is …

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Why is true love rare, unconditional, & lasting

couple in real love

When someone goes through a breakup, it’s common for others to say: “He probably wasn’t the one for you, anyway.”“She didn’t really love you.”“It wasn’t true love, just infatuation. True love is rare.” All this doesn’t just come from others. A person’s own mind can do this too. Sam was in a relationship with Sara …

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Monogamy vs polygamy: What is natural?

monogamy vs polygamy

This article will focus on monogamy vs polygamy, throwing light on each of these mating behaviors in humans. There have been endless debates on the topic of whether humans are monogamous or polygamous by nature. There are sound arguments for both polygamy and monogamy with regards to human mating so the answer probably lies somewhere …

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