How men and women perceive the world differently

men vs women perception

For most of our evolutionary history as Homo sapiens, we lived as hunter-gatherers. Men were predominantly hunters while women were predominantly gatherers. If men and women had these different roles, it makes sense that their bodies have evolved differently, and therefore, look different. Men’s bodies are adapted more for hunting while women’s bodies are adapted more …

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Why female sexuality tends to be suppressed

To understand why female sexuality is suppressed in many cultures, we first need to understand what’s so special about female sexuality that it ends up being suppressed almost everywhere and not male sexuality. It all starts with the fact that evolution has rendered female sexuality more valuable than male sexuality, not just in humans but …

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Risk-taking behaviour in men and women

Why are men more prone to engaging in risk-taking behaviour compared to women? I’m sure you’ve seen one of those clips on social media where people, predominantly men, injure themselves doing silly things. Yes, that’s what I’m talking about. In our ancestral times, hunting was a risky but potentially rewarding activity. A successful hunt provided …

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Why do women love shopping?

This article will discuss why women love shopping so much while men barely show any interest in it. Instead, men seem to enjoy things like sports, fishing, and camping more. It was like a typical evening of any modern family. The teenaged boy was tapping on his phone vigorously while his sister kept scrolling on her own device. …

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