8 Toxic traits in a woman

toxic woman

Both men and women can be toxic in relationships. While the toxic behaviors of men (toxic masculinity) are well-known and frequently discussed, it’s rare to hear people talk about the toxic behaviors of women (toxic femininity). There are a few reasons for this.  First, many toxic female behaviors tend to be covert. Second, society and …

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What does lack of affection do to a woman?

woman lacking affection

Humans are wired to give and receive affection. It’s how we bond as a social species. Affectionate behavior makes the recipient of that behavior feel seen, validated, wanted, and loved. Physical affection is a major component of affectionate behavior. Although, one can also give affection verbally in the form of praise, appreciation, confessing feelings, etc. …

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Why do women play games?

woman playing game

While both men and women play games in relationships, women seem to get called out more on their games than men do. Most men are pretty straightforward when it comes to relationships and expect women to be the same. So, when they see women playing games, they get pissed. They find it hard to wrap …

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Why men pull away when things get serious

man pulling away

New relationships typically go through this ‘honeymoon phase’ where both partners are on a high and enjoy each other’s company. After this phase, either the relationship moves forward and solidifies, or one partner pulls away. I suspect the latter is more common than the former. But why does it happen? Though both men and women …

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Where do gender stereotypes come from?

Gender stereotypes are pervasive, yes but where do they come from? The knee-jerk answer that people give to this question is ‘Society’. As you’ll figure out in the article, there’s more to the story. Sam and Elena were siblings. Sam was 7 and his sister Elena was 5. They got along well except for some …

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Why do men like sports?

men playing sports

For the most part of my life, especially my childhood and teen years, I’ve been an ardent sports fan. I loved watching and playing sports. I enjoyed watching and playing all kinds of sports, especially cricket and football. I not only played with my relatives and schoolmates but also practiced alone for hours, never getting …

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Why do women talk so much?

women talk more than men

This article will discuss the psychology behind why women talk much more than men. While it’s true that both men and women can be talkative, there are good reasons behind the stereotype of women being more talkative. When I was in school, a female teacher one day caught a bunch of boys talking in the …

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Are women more sensitive to touch than men?

woman touching thing

This article will answer the question: Are women more sensitive to touch? But first, I want you to take a look at the following scenario: Mike was having an argument with his girlfriend Rita. In the midst of a hateful exchange of words, Rita decided that she’d had enough and turned around to leave.  Mike …

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Do women have a better sense of smell?

woman smelling

The article will explore whether women have a strong sense of smell and taste compared to men. In previous articles How men and women perceive the world differently and Communication differences between genders, we looked at the gender differences in humans in visual and auditory perceptions. In this article, we take up the senses of taste …

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Communication differences between genders

Generally speaking, why do women tend to be good listeners compared to men? I’m sure you’ve encountered more women than men with good listening and communication skills. What’s behind the communication differences between genders? In the article How men and women perceive the world differently, we looked at the differences in the visual perceptions of men …

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