Why new lovers keep talking on the phone endlessly

woman talking on the phone with lover

“I think about you all the time.”“I want to be with you all the time.”“I like talking to you all the time.” These are among the common sentences that you hear in romantic songs, poems, movies, and from love-struck people in real life. Love makes people say and do things that seem irrational or even downright stupid. …

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Homosexuality in nature explained

homosexuality in nature

This article will explore answers to the question of why we find homosexuality in nature. If you’re not already aware, homosexuality exists in many animal species. Homosexual behavior, on the surface, doesn’t seem to make any sense when looked at from an evolutionary perspective. Reproduction is at the heart of evolution. If homosexual couples, by …

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Why are there gay people?

Why are some people gay?Why are there trans people?Are gays born or made? I’ve studied in an all-boys school and since a very young age, I noticed that not all boys in our class were similar in terms of masculinity and masculine behaviors. On one end of the spectrum, there were those highly aggressive, dominant, …

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What makes faces that are attractive different?

If you’ve ever wondered what makes a face attractive then you’ve landed at the right place. In this article, we’ll go over the different factors that influence the perception of facial attractiveness. Think about the faces that you consider attractive- faces of the people in your life or perhaps of the celebrities you like. What …

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What sexual fantasies reveal about the mind

Our fantasies reveal our deepest desires- desires that are unbridled from any outside scrutiny or judgment. Therefore, our fantasies can provide a window into the propensities of our minds. This is true for all fantasies including erotic fantasies. What men and women fantasize about when it comes to sex reveal how their minds have been …

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What makes a man attractive?

attractive man

What makes a man attractive to women?What are the traits that women look for in men? There are two major factors that shape our mate preferences. First is the millions of years of evolutionary programming and the second is our unique individual psychological make-up shaped by our past life experiences. There are traits that most …

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What makes a woman attractive to men

Attraction can sometimes be a very complex thing. What one man finds attractive in a woman, another may not. This is especially true when we take into account the psychological make-up of a person, shaped by his past life experiences. But, for the most part, the attraction is mainly determined by certain evolved physical and mental …

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