Types of moods in Psychology

moods in the mind

Moods are generally low-intensity, long-lasting internal states that are apparently not tied to a clear cause. They’re typically not intense enough to motivate a person to take action. In contrast, emotions tend to be high-intensity, short-duration states that often have a clear …

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Pink cloud depression: What causes it?

The pink cloud syndrome is a phenomenon in addiction recovery where a person experiences euphoria and optimism when they finally get rid of their addiction. Other than feeling joy and extreme optimism, the syndrome is characterized by: Small wins are great and should be celebrated. Those who are pink clouding, however, over-celebrate their small wins. …

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Can you love someone and not trust them?

love vs trust

Is it possible? Yes, it’s possible to love someone without trusting them. Love and trust are separate psychological systems with separate functions. Love evolved so mammals could form and cement social bonds. Trust tells us whether or not we can rely upon someone in times of need. It has more to do with feeling safety …

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Why you get so angry over little things

man angry over little thing

Anger is one of the most commonly experienced emotions. It’s considered a negative emotion because it doesn’t feel good and can have negative consequences. Like other negative emotions, it signals that something has gone wrong in your …

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8 Signs your child resents you

resentful child

Resentment is nothing but lingering anger, frustration, and disappointment. It’s an emotion that’s likely to breed in close relationships because people have high expectations in close relationships. When those expectations aren’t met, they’re likely to feel resentful. A resentful person has the mentality of: “You hurt me by not meeting my needs.” ‘Needs’ is a …

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Trauma bond vs love (8 Key differences)

trauma bonded couple

A trauma bond gets formed in abusive relationships and can be mistaken for love. It’s a deep emotional attachment that a victim of abuse develops to the abuser. In this article, we’ll look at critical points of difference between a trauma bond and authentic love. Abusive relationships don’t tend to be 100% abusive. If they …

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Why does my husband hate me? 14 Reasons

angry husband hates wife

“Why does my husband hate me so much?”“Why does my husband hate me all of a sudden?” If questions like these are doing rounds in your head, it’s time to step back and analyze what’s going on. There are two possibilities: You’re wrong in thinking your husband hates you (more likely) You’re right in thinking …

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4 Levels of jealousy to be aware of

jealous guy

Jealousy, like other social emotions such as guilt, embarrassment, and shame, is a complex emotion. People get jealous differently, to varying degrees, and respond to it in a variety of ways.1 Researchers have defined jealousy in numerous ways. I like to keep things simple. Long story short, jealousy is triggered by two situations: When someone …

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8 Stages of anger in psychology

angry man yelling

Anger is an emotion that gets triggered when we feel threatened. The threat could be real or perceived. We’re always angry with an object- another person, a life situation, or even ourselves. Anger varies in intensity. Some events only trigger mild annoyance in us, while others cause us to explode. The more our core biological …

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Retroactive jealousy: Meaning, triggers & causes

experiencing retroactive jealousy

Jealousy in romantic relationships is common and natural. Once you’ve attracted a mate, you want to retain them. So, any indication that your partner may leave you for someone else is bound to trigger jealousy. Another kind of jealousy is also common in relationships but doesn’t get talked about much. It’s when a person feels …

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